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Category: Special Event

5th Thursday Yarn Swap 3.30.2017

5th Thursday Yarn Swap 3.30.2017

The Bay Area Knitting Guild will be meeting in the Tampa Bay Area on Thursday 3.30.2017 from 6pm-8pm for our 5th Thursday Yarn Swap.

Please RSVP by Wednesday 3.29.2017 on our Facebook Event Page so that we can get a headcount for the restaurant.

Please come and join the fun even if you do not want to swap some yarn!

Olive Garden

6700 US Hwy 19

Pinellas Park , FL 33781


Rules for the Swap:

Bring 1 skein of yarn and a fun extra to swap!

  • 1 skein of yarn must have a minimum value of $20 and be composed of at least 75% natural fibers.
  • Fun extra does not have to be knitting related. Some examples of “fun extras” that have been swapped in the past: farm fresh eggs, Starbucks giftcard, chocolate, beads, stitch markers

Total value of swap package (1 skein of yarn and fun extra) ~$30

Items can only be stolen 3 times before they are “dead” and cannot be stolen any more.



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